Dec 6, 2014

The Ruby Ball

As I write about this, I confess, I'm a little nervous to really share how much I truly enjoyed being at this event and the reason why. But, I truly believe that it was an ON TIME EVENT for me and my girls.

I'm blessed with a dear friend who I'll call T. It's so funny how her and I have become friends because I was friends with her husband back in bible college. LOL Only the Lord knew that I would reconnect with my brother and this time, become close friends with his dear wife. I told her today that I'll give her the title of "On Time T" because it seems like the Lord ALWAYS uses her JUST when I "need" her.

I'm so blessed to be one of the few African Americans at our church. I'm TRULY loved and appreciated there. I couldn't ask for any better place to worship. My Pastor and others fills our family with MUCH love and strength in the Lord. The Lord knew that our family needed to be there. But being the one of the few African Americans there, can sometimes feel "different". It's hard to explain and understand if you've never been in a situation of being the minority for a long period of time (or even if it was for a day. LOL).

It seems like our family can go through seasons. It's okay when I go through it. I'm strong enough in my faith to know where to turn to for more strength AND the Lord always seems to provide the right person (of any race) to send a word to keep me moving forward in what He at this time has called me to do along side of my sweet husband. But, it's hard when my child expresses their frustration of being the minority and their feelings about it. Yes. I point them to Christ. Yes. I share my experiences and what the Lord has taught me and along with other ways the Lord gives me wisdom to do so. But, no matter what, the Lord is using this situation to teach them to trust in Him, for them to see their NEED for Him, and I'm sure a million other things. It's just hard as a parent to sit back and wait to see what and how the Lord is going to use all of this for His glory.

In the meantime, He does provide moments of grace. I believe this event was like that for the girls and I. It was a time for them to be around other African American girls around their age who look like them, hairstyles like them, and are familiar with similar things that they like to do.

We were blessed to fellowship with Christ Our King Community Church's Girl's Ministry called the "Ruby (like the jewel) Girls". Every year around this time, they have their RUBY BALL. It was so nice! All of the girls get to dress up in pretty red dresses and look like princesses. Here are some pictures of the event.

T. was a volunteer so, we arrived there early to help finish setting up. Isn't it beautiful?

The girls made a ring flag (to use when they danced). The colors were the colors that are normally used in the color book people use to share the gospel.

Our precious friend who I'll call "Little T."

We've got a new DANCE!! It's the "Jesus" dance! LOL We had some moves spelling out Jesus' name. It was cool.

Mrs. T. and another lady were getting the correct spelling of the girls' names.

The Candy Table

More dancing!!

Anna and I

Nelly and I

Me and my "Kay-in-the-middle"

This lovely lady here was the BEST! She kept the girls into it. She was passionate in all that she was doing with the kids. She was a blessing.

You can see the other pictures on Facebook if you follow me. All in all, I'm so thankful that T. told us about this and that we got a chance to go. The girls and I left TRULY full and encouraged. Glory to God.

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