Sep 23, 2011

A Different Direction

I am still unable to retrieve my lost blog. I guess it's gone for good, now. It saddens my heart to know that 3 years of reflections is lost and gone. But, with the sadness comes the joy of starting over. I was up late last night trying to rebuild my blog. It's so funny as I was working on it, I realized that some of the things that I wrote about then, I'm not at that place anymore to write about them.

I wrote about the cute things that Nelly did and so forth. Now that she's almost 8, her cute things aren't considered cute they are more considered as becoming wise and more interested in learning more and more about herself, family, and friends. I'm at a TOTALLY different stage of life than I was in when I started my old blog. So, I guess this time around my blog may suit the interest of mothers who are walking in this stage of life with me as we're trying to train up our older kids who aren't quite tweenagers, but there is truly SOMETHING happening to them and US as we're training them. (laughing)

I'd like to focus on many things in this blog and I'm sure I will. But, as for now, I think I can see me leaning more on topics like:
1. Books I'm reading
2. My Kids
3. Bible Studies
4. Loving Our Husbands
5. Women & Sex

So, we'll see. I'm really excited to see what God is doing in my heart. I look forward to sharing all of this with you.

Dear Lord, although I don't understand why that accident with my old blog happened, I can only trust that it'll work out for my good. Now, that I'm rebuilding my blog, I can see that I'm not the same woman I was when I first started blogging. Please give me the wisdom, diligence, and strength to write and share the awesome things that You are now teaching me to other women who bless me by reading this blog. May all of this be done for Your glory. In Your name, Amen.

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