Jan 23, 2013

Tracing My Steps

"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him."
James 1:5

Okay, I'm trying to find out where and how I managed to gain 5 pounds!! I know for some that may not be much. It may even sound a bit petty. But, for those who are thinking that way, please don't. Just "weep" with me, please. I mean, I'm not over here actually crying (it's been tempting though), but it has been a bit discouraging.

This whole eating healthy, keeping in shape, lifestyle change is a lot of hard work and I've seen the benefits of it. So, when I saw and notice how my clothes weren't fitting right and I saw an old post I did, it was clear that, "Hey! I gained 5 pounds! How?"

So, I've been on a search in seeing how I've managed to do that since I'm eating much differently than before and I'm constantly working out. Only God knows how it has happened. I trust He'll give me the wisdom and direction to figure it out.

Dear Lord, thank You for Your wisdom and how You truly do care. Help me not to stress over it. But, to wisely look at my steps. In Your name, Amen.

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