Jan 24, 2013

Who's That Knocking On My Door?

"give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5:18

I may not be able to get phyiscally away from the house, but I am thankful for the times when my sweet hubby lets me escape to our bedroom and be in hiding for most of the day.

I think it's funny to hear the many sounds that are going on out there. I hear the kids telling their Dad the many things that Mommy does. LOL It's even funny to hear my sweet hubby interact with the kids as it relates to caring for them too. I confess, I often times chuckle when I hear it. I know it's not funny, but.... LOL

But, it's also funny to hear them find some type of reason to knock on my door for something. It's like it's hard for them to NOT see me. I guess it's because they see me all of the time and the moment I'm not around, they realize that something apart of them is missing. So, they find their way to my door to knock in order to come in.

Well, today, I was visited by the leader of the TRANSFORMERS. He just wanted to me see him. He knocked on the door. Knock, knock (the softest sound coming from a little fist that thinks he's knocking very hard). "Yes." "It's me, Zech. (I love to hear him say his long and hard name. I didn't think of that when we decided that would be his name. But, the little guy can some how get his name out. You can at least hear the 'Zec' and then hear 'aiah'! LOL)" As I get up to open the door, THERE HE WAS! Optimus Prime at my door! But...he seemed much smaller than I thought he'd look in person and he called me MOMMY! LOL

Thank You Lord for these moments. Help me to not miss them with the other kids. In Your name, Amen.

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